For Applications Received in 2010
Dengue Fever and Trash Collection in Brazil: Politics of Responsibility in Favelas of Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte
Special Recognition: Martinus Nijhoff Award
Steven Alley
Columbia University
School of Public Health
Gambling with Violence: Why States Outsource the Use of Force to Extremist Nonstate Actors
Special Recognition: John L. Stanley Award
Yelena Biberman
Brown University
Department of Political Science
Contesting Tunisia: Order, Dissent and the Politics of Protest
Laryssa Chomiak
University of Maryland
Department of Government and Politics
Strategies of Survival in Genocides and Mass Killings
Evgeny Finkel
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Department of Political Science
A Vision of “Homeland Security”: Immigration Enforcement in the Sanctuary Cities of the U.S.
Trevor Gardner
University of California at Berkeley
Department of Sociology
Private Military-Security Companies and Governance in Conflict Zones: A Study of Four Companies in Israel/Palestine, the Niger Delta and Angola
Special Recognition: Harold D. Lasswell Award
Galit Gelbort
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Political Science
The New Minority: Alienation and Identity among White Working Class Americans
Special Recognition: Robert K. Merton Award
Justin Gest
Harvard University
Department of Government
Socioeconomic Status and parental Investments of Time and Money: What Matters Most for Children’s School Success?
Special Recognition: Donald R. Cressey Award
Issa Kohler-Hausmann
New York University
Department of Sociology
Socioeconomic Status and Parental Investments of Time and Money: What Matters Most for Children’s School Success?
Aleksandra Holod
Columbia University
Teacher’s College
Misdemeanor Justice? Offending and Punishment of Minor Crimes in New York City
Biorn Ivemark
University of British Columbia
Department of Sociology
Transitions to Adulthood of Children in Subsidized Housing
Special Recognition: Eli Ginzberg Award
Yana Kucheva
University of California at Los Angeles
Department of Sociology
Saving The Market From Itself: Bailouts, Nationalizations, and the Politics of Financial Intervention
Christopher Mitchell
The George Washington University
Department of Political Science
The Caring Precariat: Home-Based Care Work in America’s Three Largest Cities
Diana Polson
The Graduate Center at the City University of New York
Department of Political Science
The End of Poverty, or the Rise of the Vertical Ghetto? Post-public housing spatial concentration and youth in Baltimore
Eva Rosen
Harvard University
Sociology and Social Policy
Finding Work: the reentry experiences of prisoners
Naomi Sugie
Princeton University
Department of Sociology
An Empirical Study of the Impacts of Repealing the Tax Exemption on Municipal Bonds
Beibei Zou
The University of Texas
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs