Contact: Mary Curtis Horowitz
For immediate release
July 1, 2020, New Brunswick, NJ –The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy has selected twenty-five scholars to receive grants for research in the social sciences for the 2019 award year. Those receiving awards, their research topics, and the institutions with which they are affiliated are listed at the end of this announcement.
“This year we received 965 applications, the largest number in our history,” said Mary E. Curtis. “The twenty-five applicants who are receiving awards this year represent less than 3 percent of those who applied. The Trustees consider their work on topics of social and political importance to be vibrant examples of how policy research can help us address the challenges of today’s complex society.”
About the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy
Established in 1998, the Horowitz Foundation now approves approximately twenty-five grants each year. Awards are for $7,500; proposals in certain targeted areas receive additional amounts. In addition, the Irving Louis Horowitz Award is given to the overall most outstanding project proposal, and the Trustee’s Award is given to the project proposal that is deemed most innovative in theory and/or methodology. Awards are granted for policy-related research in all major areas of the social sciences. Only doctoral students whose dissertation proposals have been approved by their committees are eligible to apply. Awards are approved solely on merit, and are not allocated so as to ensure a representative base of disciplines.
Research grants are open to researchers in all social science disciplines. Projects must deal with contemporary issues in the social sciences, particularly issues of policy relevance. Applicants need not be citizens of the United States, and grants are not restricted to U.S. residents.
Applications for 2020 Awards
The Foundation will begin accepting applications for 2020 awards later this month. The deadline for receipt of all materials for proposals for the year 2020 is December 1, 2020. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Awards for 2020 will be announced in June, 2021.
Additional information, including a list of previous recipients, is available on the Horowitz Foundation website.
2019 Horowitz Foundation Award Winners
(Alphabetical order)
David J. Amaral, University of California, Santa Cruz
Threatening Local Democracy: the political consequences of urban violence
Michele Cadigan, University of Washington
Cannabis-Infused Dreams: A Market at the Crossroads between Criminal and Conventional
Christina Nefeli Caramanis, The University of Texas at Austin
Income, Policy, and Stable Center-Based Childcare: Towards Reducing the Achievement Gap
Andreas de Barros, Harvard University Martinus Nijhoff Award
Establishment-Level ICE Raids: Causes and Consequences
Daniel Driscoll, University of California San Diego
A Comparative Analysis of Carbon Price Enactment
Benjamin Elbers, Columbia University John L. Stanley Award
Understanding changing racial school segregation in the U.S.
Natalia Emanuel, Harvard University
Smudges: Criminal Records and Employment in the US
Michael Evangelist, University of Michigan
Crime and Punishment in the Welfare State: How Political, Economic, and Social Factors Condition the Administration of Penalties for Program Violations
Shannon Malone Gonzalez, The University of Texas at Austin
In Her Place: Black Women Redefining and Resisting Police Violence
Hunter Johnson, Claremont Graduate University
Does the Presence of Female and Minority Police Reduce the Use of Force?
Navin Kumar, Yale University
Social interactions and treatment outcomes from medication assisted treatment in opioid addiction
Joe LaBriola, University of California, Berkeley
Local Housing Policy and Wealth Inequality
Sadé Lindsay, The Ohio State University
Effects of Contradictory Signals on Post-Prison Labor Market Outcomes
Tim McDonald, Pardee RAND Graduate School
Developing and Testing a Consumer-Driven Approach to Changing Incentives in American Healthcare
Molly Merrill-Francis, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The Impact of State Minimum Wage Laws on Fatal Occupational Injury
Brittany Paige Mihalec-Adkins, Purdue University
Explaining Variation in Legal Outcomes and Well-Being Trajectories for Child Welfare-Involved Families in the Era of the Adoption and Safe Families Act
Stephanie Casey Pierce, The Ohio State University
Locked Out and Locked Up? Investigating the Relationship Between Eviction and Incarceration
Daniel Prinz, Harvard University Robert K. Merton Award
The Multiethnic Suburb: New Ground for Racial Residential Integration in the United States
Owen Schochet, Georgetown University
Unpacking the causal effects of two-generation early intervention services on the outcomes of low-income children and their families
Jessica C. Smith, Virginia Commonwealth University
Assessing School Safety in the Age of Threat Assessment: A Policy Study
Noémie Sportiche, Harvard University Eli Ginzberg Award
Does Economic Growth Benefit All? The Health Consequences of Being Poor in a Booming City Economy
Arielle W. Tolman, Northwestern University Donald R. Cressey Award
Criminal Prosecution of Prisoners with Mental Illness
Matthew Unrath, University of California, Berkeley Trustees’ Award
Can Nudges Increase Take-up of the Earned Income Tax Credit?: Evidence from Multiple Field Experiments
Fabricio Vasselai, University of Michigan Irving Louis Howard Award and Joshua Feigenbaum Award
Elections in the AI era: using Machine Learning and Multi-Agent Systems to detect and study menaces to election integrity
Chagai M. Weiss, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Reducing Prejudice through State Institutions
Mary Curtis Horowitz, Chairman
Irving Louis Horowitz, Chairman Emeritus
Post Office Box 7
Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553-0007